"No Other Method Can Achieve What Your Method Achieves."
- Dan Harlan
"To Be Honest, I Would Have More Than One Method To Achieve The Same Effect, But - And This Is A Big BUT - Ali Doesn't Use Any Of Them! So, It Is Indeed Very Clean And Very Fooling."
- Jan Forster
"This Looks Practical And Deceptive For Both Virtual And Live Performances. It Looks Like Ali Is Going To Make Another Splash With This One!"
- Christopher Taylor
"What A Great Solution To A Classic Plot. Inventive, Creative And Fooling Too!!"
- Nicholas Einhorn
Do we really need another "Card At Any Number?!"
We already have so many! So why would you be interested in this?
This is going to be a fully honest description of the effect.
The deck of cards is in the spectator's hands. At no point, YOU NEVER TOUCH THE CARDS!
You ask the spectator to think of any number between 1-52. There is absolutely no force. Whatever number they say, they deal the cards face up to their number. The card found at the number matches your prediction which has been in the card case from the very beginning.
I want to be completely honest with what this is.
There are no gimmicks! No duplicates. The deck can be borrowed if you wish but there is a minimum amount of set up. Once set up everything is instantly reset. This is 100% surefire. There is no way of it not working.
Depending on the number, they might have to count the cards from the face of the deck or from the top. In very rare cases they will have to cut the cards. But keep in mind, YOU NEVER TOUCH ANYTHING.
I also include another effect using a similar principle. It is a song prediction.
You have a stack of songs written on some blank cards. They name a number, they count down to the number and the song at that number matches your prediction.
- No forces
- No gimmicks
- No memorization
- No duplicates
- Regular deck
30 minutes of full explanation in HD.
Download now!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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