Handkerchiefs have been a part of the magician's arsenal at least since the 1500s but it wasn't until the mid-1800s that handkerchiefs made of silk made their appearance as magical apparatus. The first recorded use of silk handkerchiefs in the literature of magic was by none other than Robert-Houdin for a vanishing handkerchief routine (which also coincided with his invention of the first pull.) The first full routine using silks was performed by de Kolta and written up in Professor Hoffman's Later Magic in 1903. At that point, tricks and routines using silks became a very common part of conjurors' acts.
On this download, you'll see a variety of clever and magical ways to use silk handkerchiefs. Daryl leads off with a handkerchief that has an uncanny ability to not only trap ghosts but also find selected playing cards. Then, Fielding West performs his very funny version of the classic Color Changing Silk while Henry Evans produces a real silk handkerchief from a photograph. Michael Ammar performs and teaches his signature effect of silver dollars passing through a sheer scarf while Dai Vernon demonstrates a great utility false knot. Then, Paul Wilson makes a solid metal ring instantly and visibly jump onto a silk handkerchief while Dan Harlan shows off a beautiful silk production interlude. Finally, Petrick and Mia cause a knot to magically jump from one sheer silk to another.
Silk magic is enchanting, beautiful and, as proven by the performers on this download, extremely versatile. Learn any of these effects and you'll have a classic piece of magic in your repertoire that will amaze and delight any audience.
Spectral Silk - Daryl
Color Changing Silk - Fielding West
3D Photograph - Henry Evans
Coins Through Silk - Michael Ammar
The Berg Knot - Dai Vernon
Ring on Silk - Paul Wilson
Silken Dream - Dan Harlan
Jumping Knot - Petrick and Mia
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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