Between the covers of this Large Format book are 40 information packed pages containing a detailed introduction into the Crystallised Pure Gold Inside Real World consistently proven to work techniques of Covert Hypnosis, Conversational Hypnotism, Influence, Persuasion, Negotiation, Rapid Seduction & NLP Mind Control for Therapeutic Change, Pleasure, Profit & increased Success in all areas of Your Life.
Unleash the Power of Inter-Personal Neural Synchrony
Unlock the hidden potential of your mind with our revolutionary course: Inter-Personal Neural Synchrony.
Delve into the fascinating world of covert hypnosis, conversational hypnotism, influence, persuasion, negotiation, rapid seduction, and NLP mind control secrets.
Crafted and presented by the unmatched duo of Dr. Jonathan Royle and Mr. Paul Gutteridge, this course is your key to therapeutic change, pleasure, profit, and unparalleled success in life.
Why Choose Inter-Personal Neural Synchrony?
Meet Your Expert Instructors
Dr. Jonathan Royle - The British Bad Boy of Hypnosis, a name synonymous with hypnotic mastery. With decades of experience, Dr. Royle has unearthed the deepest secrets of the human mind. He is your guide to the mesmerizing world of covert influence.
Mr. Paul Gutteridge - An acclaimed Behavioural Analyst, Body Language Expert, and Consultant in Covert Persuasion & Influence Techniques. Paul's expertise is drawn from his close association with top-notch intelligence agencies, equipping you with insider knowledge of persuasion.
Course Highlights
Covert Hypnosis: Unlock the art of influencing minds without detection, tapping into the subconscious with ease.
Conversational Hypnotism: Learn to hypnotize in the midst of everyday conversations, a skill coveted by many.
Influence & Persuasion: Master the science of persuasion, shaping decisions, and actions effortlessly.
Negotiation: Sharpen your negotiation skills, ensuring you get what you want in every deal.
Rapid Seduction: Dive into the secrets of rapid seduction, appealing to desires and passions like never before.
NLP Mind Control: Harness the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming for unparalleled control and influence.
Your Journey Begins Now
Are you ready to take control of your life?
Are you prepared to unlock the hidden potential within yourself and others?
If so, Inter-Personal Neural Synchrony is your bridge to success.
Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery, mastery, and transformation.
Are you ready to synchronize your neural pathways for ultimate influence and success?
Join us today, and experience the world as you've never seen it before.
Inter-Personal Neural Synchrony - Your Path to Mastery Begins Here.
Within the book you will also be given a link to an almost Two Hour Step By Step Training video in these subject matters along with your invitation to join & access the many benefits of being a member of our Facebook Discussion Group on these Powerful Strategies & Techniques.
Secure your copy today!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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