A download from Jamie Badman and Colin Miller - the people who brought you the smash hit Heirloom, (plus Panagram, Sensory Perception and The Underground Collection Books 1&2)
This 2 hour extravaganza has it all - self workers, mentalism, brand new sleights, some eye popping card chicanery - it's all there! These guys have a STELLA reputation in the magic world - and 'Welcome To The Firm' will show you why!
The Con: Underground Poker
A brain ripping 3 phase gambling routine that is almost SELF WORKING!
The Hustle: Misdirection Monte
Jamie Badman's 'signature routine' featuring the Underground Change - a move so deceptive it lies to itself!
The Rip-off: Lisp Aces
The UC's novel take on the classic Christ Ace Routine which not just provides some excellent motivation for the routine but also leaves the deck ready for Misdirection Monte!
The Wager: Hollywood or Bust
Colin Miller's highly acclaimed approach for taking the revelation of a centre-tear or peek into another realm. World class mentalism. And it's EASY!
The Hit: AceAssins
An action-packed, multi-phase routine that flows like blood out of an freshly-slit artery. This has been a signature UC routine for nearly a decade and now it's yours too!
The Witness: Smash & Grab
A two card peek and control that will fool you, your mum, your spectators and anyone with eyeballs!
The Debt: The Enforcers
Collectors really shouldn't look this good. Perhaps we'll bust its kneecaps - teach it a lesson.
Running Time Approximately 1hr 41min
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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