Here's a stunning effect with one killer routine.
Hello magic lovers.
Some time ago, I presented you with my single utility switch called WHEN. That effect enabled you to do a switch and make everyone ask, "WHEN did that happen?"
The meaning is "WHEN" does the switch happen?
Today, let me introduce to you my new product called WHEN 2nd (the second edition of WHEN).
This is something new! Audiences are stunned!
And once again, the audience asks themselves, "WHEN did that happen?"
Some testimonials:
"Hello god hand, may I rent your hand for a day? LOL. Well, good job for SaysevenT."
- Arie Bhojez, magic creator from Indonesia
"Hell yeah, I was really amazed when I first saw WHEN 2nd, really sweet and smooth. This is perfect for magic professionals. SaysevenT explained very precisely and clearly."
- Yugi Howen, magic creator from Indonesia
"A must have for every sleight enthusiast."
- Agustin, magic creator from Indonesia
"It's absolutely not for a beginner, but it kills anybody who sees it."
- Parlin lay, magic creator from Indonesia
*Quick Hot Shoot
You can learn how to make a Hot Shoot quickly.
*Duplicate DL
This is new feature because you can learn how to take (DL) Double Lift instantly at rotate condition on your hand (watch the demo).
*WHEN 2nd Complete Routine
I share it with you and explain my complete routine, WHEN 2nd (watch the demo).
I give you two some amazing cardistry movies I named:
FELLYX - (Top and bottom back on position).
MEDDA - (Nothing).
*27-minute Explanation
00:08 - 01:36 - Flip Back
01:37 - 04:33 - Quick Hot Shoot
04:36 - 11:14 - Duplicate DL
11:18 - 20:20 - WHEN 2nd Complete Routine
20:48 - 27:05 - Bonuses: FELLYX and MEDDA (card flourish)
27:05 - 27:06 - END
Important Notes:
- Advance requirement skill level
- Difficulty: intermediate
- Handling: intermediate
- Impromptu
- 100% sleight
- No gimmick or gaff
- No glue to make sticky
Download the video and learn it now!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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