The best selling Ultimate Self Working Card Trick series is the gold standard for sleight-free card tricks... magic that slays audiences and yet requires NO moves to accomplish. The emphasis here is on providing you with KILLER tricks that you just need to concentrate on presenting!
In the five years since Ultimate Self Working Card Tricks Volume 3 hit the streets we have been relentlessly scouring the world of sleight free card tricks, hunting for the holy grail - routines that are absolutely fooling, hugely entertaining, yet just so happen to require no sleight of hand. And this time we have truly hit the mother lode - ten routines that are world class, can be accomplished with no moves and wouldn't be out of place in a professionals repertoire. From Bannon's diabolical prediction routine that sees the spectator shuffle and cut, to Stephen Tucker's outrageous four Ace location, to Jack Tighe's scorching Lucky Card gambit. You are gonna LOVE these tricks.
And remember - literally NO sleight of hand needed. Get ready to rock!
Karmatic by John Bannon - Bannon brings an impossible prediction to the party. Regular deck? Shuffled and cut by a spectator? No problem. They still end up at the ONE card you've predicted in advance!
Coincidence by Bill Simon - A staggering two-phase coincidence routine where your spectator keeps stopping you at the only cards in the deck that match. A perfect demonstration of synchronicity.
Five Nine King by Martin Gardner - Imagine a spectator having a FREE choice of card, and then finding the three mates of their selection, with the deck in their own hands... and with no moves or sleights. This plays BIG!
Company of Three by Roy Walton - Three chosen cards are fairly lost in the pack and produced in increasingly impossible ways, in this multiple selection routine that shows Roy's genius construction.
Sorta Swiped by Jack Tighe - Jack's 'Mystery Card' plot is simple, quick and direct. A signed card is genuinely lost in the centre of the pack, and found by inserting a 'lucky card'. The kicker will knock them OUT!
Miracle Aces by Stephen Tucker - A spectator guides themselves to all four Aces from a deck they cut and shuffled. A clever combination of several subtle principles make this a keeper!
Baker Street by Liam Montier - The ultimate Poker player card trick - two hands of poker are dealt, shuffled, and cards merely thought of from the packets. With no questions, you locate one, and then simply name the other!
Third Attribute by Michael Breggar - Michael's quirky presentation for this classic method will fool EVERYONE - even magicians! There's so many red herrings, they'll never catch you out!
Swindle Coincidence by Peter Kane - From two shuffled, regular decks, your spectators freely choose two random cards, and reverse them in their decks. When you spread them out, they don't match... but instead, reveal an incredible coincidence that seems beyond ALL control!
Card U Reka by U.F Grant - A new presentation breathes life into this vintage effect. You give a spectator a 'reading' on three genuinely freely chosen cards, representing their past, present and future; and then show that you knew what would happen all along...
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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