The original jumping band effect taken to impossible conditions - and with a killer climax!
- Can be performed with any elastic bands with the proper stretch.
- Easy to master.
- Amazes magicians who are well aware of how to perform the original jumping band.
- Great for a few people, or in a parlor situation. Bands can be very visible.
- Climax is a real mind blower. It fools the best minds in magic - yet is incredibly easy to perform.
- Bodine has been performing this effect - and the routine shown - for decades to wonderful responses.
- Performance and routine rights included with purchase.
Requirement: Two elastic bands.
"I absolutely LOVE what you're doing!"-
Dan HarlanMagic legend and ground-breaking rubber band artist
"Ultimate Jumping Band takes an old chestnut and blows it out of the water! For everyone who thinks they know it, they will get fried! It is a totally different method that is fast, clean and easy. The final blow off takes the basic effect and brings it to a whole new level. It is similar to something that Japanese Master Shigeo Takagi showed me over thirty years ago, but so much simpler and every bit as effective. It will destroy laymen and magicians alike."-
Marc DeSouzaTwo-time winner of the SAM National Stage Contest and winner of both the IBM and SAM National Close-Up Contest
"My favorite thing in magic is when someone takes something known to an entirely new level. Jim Bodine has cracked the code that unleashes the true full potential of the Jumping Rubber Band in an imminently satisfying way!"-
Michael AmmarMagic legend who is a multi-award winning performer, lecturer and best-selling author
"Jim has taken a classic rubber band effect and made it much more visual, colorful and impossible. It's performable for a large group, and I've watched him perform it many times and the reactions are always amazement!"-
Mark SetteducatiMagic and toy inventor, author and 2014 winner of the Creative Fellowship Award by the Academy of Magical Arts with a lifetime membership to The Magic Castle
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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