Elizabeth IV - The performer removes a clear envelope with a wager and a prediction. Any card is named and contents of the clear envelope are openly removed. The prediction matches the freely named card.
Rubik's Card - Tommy shows a small box filled with blocks that have card pips on some of their sides. A card is selected and the lid is removed from the box to show that the blocks have somehow arranged themselves to form an image of the selected card.
Deja Reverse - Two cards are selected and the first selection magically turns face up. It is turned face down and a magical gesture is made again with the intention of the second selection turning face up. However, when the cards are spread, it is the first selection once again. The first card almost takes on a life of its own, repeating its antics, and in a final act of desperation, Tommy rips up the first selection and tosses it aside. The deck is spread and there, restored face up in the center, is the first card once again. The torn pieces are turned over to reveal the second selection.
Socked Coins - This routine has never been explained and has been a closely guarded secret that Tommy Wonder has kept for himself. It's one of the finest coin routines ever created. In a lesson on how to lose money, coins penetrate a spectator's hand in an increasingly impossible manner. It resets, can be done without a table, and is incredibly strong.
Tommy goes on to explain his workings on Cough DROP, vanishing bird cage, the boomerang card, the Zombie Ball, and his wonderful ring and rope routine
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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