In this new video, Arthur Tivoli presents the routines he actually performs in restaurants: 3 sets, 8 minutes each, with cards, laughs, coins, surprises, ropes, hearts, diamonds... and all this magic fits in his pockets and a small box.
Set #1
Sponge ball routine - How to make friends with people who don't know you and just want to eat without being aroused by a magician.
Diamond - A little ball of bread is transformed in a diamond.
Rising Card - Arthur shows you a very practical handling for this routine.
The bill in the pen cap - +The best and simpler way to make a signed bill disappear and reappear in cap of your pen. It's a killer.
Set #2
Silver Thread - All that you need to focus the attention of your spectators: fire and money.
Ring and Rope Routine - A great routine with a lot of new moves and subtleties.
Sushi - The stabbed card without any risk.
Set #3
Brocken heart - A great trick to begin at a table with women
Russia - The history of the Russian people.
Simplex card to box - An ingenious move for a killer effect. A signed card disappears and reappears in a little non tricked box.
Two great bonus tricks: One to give your business card and the other to take people's money
Running Time Approximately 2hr 5min
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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