This is the real work on storing, transporting and accessing the invisible threads you'll use for any type of effect. The majority of this information is being revealed here for the first time in any format, and represents ideal solutions for almost any close-up, stand-up, corporate, bar or restaurant performer.
You'll also find sources for invisible thread well worth the price of the video to anyone seriously interested in performing magic with thread. You'll see what types of thread are strongest, ranked in order of strength according to similar dimensions, and how to separate and secure individual strands of the finest invisible thread.
Some of the information featured here has previously been sold individually for large sums of money. You'll learn the exact method Ammar used to perform the Floating Bill on The Tonight Show, as well as the Steve Fearson Hookup, which creates what some of our greatest minds have called the most amazing magic they've ever seen!
- Floating Bill
- The Super String Theory
Section One - Thread Strength According to Similar Diameters
Section Two - Securing the Ends, Separating Individual Strands
Section Three -Storing and Transporting
- Simple Playing Card
- Finn Jon System
- John Kennedy's Z-Webs & Mini-Z-Webs
- The Pin & Straw System
- Sticky Mat Solution
- John Haar's Deck Gimmick
- Clear Plastic Sticks
- Lifesaver Holders
- Wine Bottle Hookups-Corks, Ribbons, Clear Tubes
- Under-Bar Bobbins
- Mike-Stand Holders
Section Four - The Horizontal Two-Point Hookup Explanation
- The Floating Bill
- The Super String Theory
Section Five -The Steve Fearson Hookup
- The Floating Lifesaver
- James George's Floating Spinning Ball
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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