Easy-to-achieve, yet staggeringly powerful card magic!
After the bestselling smash hit releases 'Bullets After Dark' and 'Bullet Party', John Bannon is finally ready to close out his 'Bullet' trilogy. The third and final entry is Fire When Ready, a veritable feast of card magic delights. Fueled by Bannon's inimitable style of easy-to-achieve, yet staggeringly powerful card magic, this is a project you NEED!
Over two packed discs and an immense 180-minute running time, Fire When Ready will arm you with some of the strongest card magic imaginable. From Bannon's go-to opener for more than a decade 'Line Of Sight' to the impossibly clean think of a card 'Proxy Shock'. The ten featured routines are audaciously constructed and require only the most basic sleight of hand, yet, they are tricks that are destined to be in your arsenal for EVER!
Proxy Shock - They think of a card. The deck is shuffled. It looks like you miss... then BOOM! They realize they were just being set up for the sucker punch.
Rock The 'Voque - A spectator reads your mind, bit by bit, nailing the card you thought of... and you can prove it!
Mundo - All the impact of 'Out of This World', but in a small packet, and with a twist that will fool EVERYONE!
Cut & Run - Produce the four Aces from a deck repeatedly shuffled and cut... by your SPECTATOR! This is a killer utility!
Hybrid Holdout - Your participant shuffles and cuts. Top stock: Controlled?!?
Stealth Aces - A classic Ace Assembly, that combines easy handling with a devious construction!
Big Fat Bluff Aces - John's hidden gem. This assembly is a showpiece, and features several astonishing kickers, and will leave EVERYONE reeling - laymen and magicians alike!
Blues Alley Jokers - Truly shocking appearance of Jokers sandwiching a selected card.
Clean Out Of Sight - Vernon's classic gets the Bannon treatment - a spectator shuffles and thinks of a card, without you touching a thing. Then, following the spectator's intuition, you zero in on a card they've genuinely thought of, and never named. BOOM!
Question Zero - A borrowed, shuffled deck. A thought of card. Zero questions, maximum bang for minimal buck!
Line Of Sight - What does John open his card sets with? Line of sight. And you will see why! John teaches all the tips that make this shocking moment of mental card magic work, with the pack in the spectators' hands.
Download the videos and learn!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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