"I hate gum tricks, but I love this one. I'm fooled." - Justin Flom
Nothing is more organic, spontaneous, or surprising to spectators than taking an ordinary object and creating a miracle. That's exactly what you'll learn to do on Kevin Li's Cohesive. Here you'll learn the secrets behind a series of strikingly visual effects using a familiar object that everyone loves- gum. Not only will you be able to stun them with something impossible, but you'll also leave them with a delicious treat!
"Cohesive is highly visual, organic, and has become one of my go-to effects for my close-up routines."
- Rob Anderson
Here's what you'll learn:
Gum 2x/3x - Imagine being able to take a single pack of gum, then multiply it to create two or even three packs! They'll all see it, but no one will believe it.
Recycled Gum - Clearly show an empty pack of gum. Now close it -- the pack is completely refilled. Now you can hand out gum for you and your friends to share!
Fresh Mint - Change the color and flavor of the gum in the pack with only a simple wave of the hand.
X Marks the Spot - Draw an X on the outside of a mint strip pack. By rubbing your finger over the pack, the X has penetrated and is now on the inside of the package.
Appearing Strips - Show an empty mint strip pack, and magically refill it with mint strips that you can hand out.
"Gum 3x looks dope! I can't wait to learn that!"
- Shin Lim
"Cohesive is so sweet. Kevin Li is going to be DANGEROUS!!!"
- Hanson Chien
"You might find yourself in the perfect situation to perform where cards or coins are unfitting. Kevin Li shares amazing ideas with one of the most ubiquitous items known to our taste buds. Love it!"
- Jeff Prace
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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