You visually slam a coin through the bottom of an empty can. Immediately show the coin inside and hand everything out for examination. That's it. It's that simple! It can't look more real than this.
Breakthrough is a true masterpiece that has fooled even the most experienced professionals. It's the most direct, flexible and practical Coin Into Can effect for any situation.
"Breakthrough is like real magic! I'm gonna be doing this for everyone, it's the sort of magic I love to perform!"
"I never imagined that to be the method. Very clever. I will be showing this to Dynamo today, and hope to fool him with it."
- Doug Mckenzie, consultant for Dynamo and David Blaine
"Congratulations, it's a beautiful piece!"
- Wayne Houchin
"I saw Breakthrough as it should be seen - performed live. The whole crowd that witnessed Johannes' performance was absolutely baffled. Even a magician in the audience was left scratching his head in amazement - it was me. Breakthrough is a major fooler!"
- Jerry Dunn, National Geographic travel writer and magician
"I've seen probably more magic than anyone in the world in my career. Breakthrough is one of those very rare items that reminds me why I love magic. It fooled me and then when I learned the method, it made me smile!"
- Tim Trono
"Breakthrough is by far one of the best pieces of magic I've ever seen."
"100% LOVE Breakthrough!"
"Even when watching the teaching segments, you can still find yourself being fooled even though you KNOW what's going on."
Download the video today!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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