Bigblindmedia presents
"The definitive work on the marked deck. This is a reputation maker!" Jim Canaday, The Magic Portal
Learn the techniques and skills to turn a marked deck into the most powerful magical weapon imaginable.
2 VIDEOS - Over 4 hours of in-depth tuition
Boris Wild has spent a lifetime perfecting the art of using a marked deck. He has elevated its use to an artform; using its benefits in the most sophisticated and imaginative ways possible.
This is NOT about just having a card selected and reading its value from the back. It's WAAAAAAAAY more than that. Master the techniques Boris will teach you, and you will have a weapon in your arsenal that will elevate ALL the card magic you perform. Think of the Marked Deck as a tool that can supercharge every routine you do. It can add a layer of deception to any effect, help you get ahead of your spectators, rescue you if a trick goes wrong - and Boris teaches you how to achieve ALL of this.
The lessons and insights taught to you on this enormous 4 hour + project will help you master the best-selling Boris Wild Marked Deck, and highlight just why Boris' patented design is so ingenious. You can achieve miracles with Boris Wild's Marked Deck that just cannot be achieved with any other deck! After watching The Boris Wild Marked Deck Project, you will NEVER leave the house without a Marked Deck again.
Boris even teaches you how to design and create your own, customized Boris Wild Marked Decks for the ultimate personalized weapon.
- Double Revelation
- Zero Touch (Magician's Version)
- Zero Touch (Spectator's Version)
- The Ideal Effect
- Peek Sandwich
- Inexplicable
- Invisible, But Marked
- Plus - A pro teach-in on The Cull and learn The Revelation Pass
Cover Photo Credit: Zakary Belamy
Download the videos and learn now!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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