Read minds like never before!
"The B3 Envelopes is a great approach to mental epic. Radek has applied an existing idea in a really clever way, which tidies up any visual discrepancies that other methods may have. Each divination or prediction is clearly sealed into their own individual, numbered envelopes and the effect is as clear as can be. This is something I enjoy using, and it currently forms part of one of my virtual shows."
- Nique Tan
"This is an excellent approach to the classic 3 prediction plot. You can use it in stand-up shows, parlor shows or even virtual shows. This is great thinking!"
- Marc Paul
"What I really like about this method is that everything looks consistent and elegant. Handling is clean and super fair. I can tell you this is genius!"
- Nikolas Mavresis
"Everything in routine flows so smoothly and all the moves are logical and natural. If your a Mentalist and only purchase one download in 2022 make sure it's this one it's incredible and has my highest recommendation excellent work Radek"
- Ian Maltby
Be free with your mentalism and read minds like never before, in the most elegant way.
This is more than just a clever gimmick.
This is a new concept in how to read minds.
It's perfect for Zoom shows and excellent for live performances.
An easy to do multi-phase routine that has mind blowing impact!
Radek Hoffman has been perfecting this concept for a long time. He had one goal, to create the best three-phase routine ever made! B3 Envelopes is his answer!
This is an absolutely new concept in how to read minds in a very clever way. This gimmick solved all problems with the classic three-phase routine. The B3 Method is very flexible and you can use it for many different routines. The gimmick is very easy to make and operate. The reset takes less than 15 seconds and you are ready for the next performance. This is an amazing new tool to create a convincing, elegant, and deceptive demonstration of mind reading.
The download video is almost 1.5 hour long. Radek explains every single detail about the gimmick and how you can use it in different routines. He also shares his original ideas and concepts on how to push the process of mindreading to another level.
B3 Envelopes is:
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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