A Video-Masterclass with a new approach on the classic linking rings.
Do you perform the rings for decades? - This will give your routine a boost.
Do you like to learn the rings from scratch? This will guide you to develop a comprehensive understanding for the linking rings.
You will not only learn how but WHY...
FISM winner Axel Hecklau compressed 40 years of experiences into 3,5 hours of crystal clear teaching.
On top of very important theoretical thoughts on structure, dramaturgy or routining and classical moves and figures, you will learn how to link two rings with absolutely no sound in fluid motion in many different ways.
Watch the trailer!
Rediscover this very practical piece of magic - performable for 10 or 1000 people
If you like the linking rings you need to study this masterclass.
Part 1: 7 Rings - a brilliant routine
Analysis of the structure, dramaturgy, symbolism, background thoughts and many other theoretical aspects, as well as routining and mechanics of Axel Hecklaus 7 ring routine with a standard set of rings. This routine is 6 minutes of astonishing entertainment for all performance situations. One of the most practical pieces you can do.
- Multi camera views, slow motion replays
Running time: app 2 hours
Part 2: Silent Rings
A collection of 17 innovative silent links and unlinks with 2 rings.
Different handlings and displays of the k*ring. Plenty of material to find your personal combination to let people believe in true magic.
- Multi camera views, slow motion replays
Running time: 1 hour 36 minutes
NOTE: You need a classic 8"-12" linking ring set
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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