Henry Wallace from Area52 has finally shared with the world his beautiful routine, "The Mystery Card"!
This download includes 5 heart-stopping routines that Henry has performed at his walk around gigs and trusts will go into your working arsenal immediately!
The Mystery Card: The spectator's signed card becomes the 'Mystery Card' that was lying on the table the ENTIRE time!
Flirtatious Mystery: Get any spectator's cell phone number or leave them with yours! This routine utilises the Mystery Card to create an impossible souvenir with an added bonus!
Prediction Impossible: A signed card prediction, 100% accurate. A different handling is introduced yet still incorporates the Mystery Card concept. This routine doesn't fail to deliver a sensational, seemingly effortless supernatural prediction with scary accuracy!
The Mystery Card PLUS v1: This routine allows the magician to open up their options in its magic presentation. The Mystery Card cleverly combines its creative climax with that of the classic ACAAN plot! Perfect!
The Mystery Card PLUS v2: This routine is so powerful it is advised to perform with caution. Heavily based on The Mystery Card PLUS v1, this routine provides an exceptionally powerful punch that will leave your audience puzzling over its perplexing paradox for days!
BONUS: Henry Wallace shares a quick method to achieve the classic Mystery Card routine without a gimmick!
Worried about the gimmick? Rest assured, if you don't have it already, you can easily get it or make it in minutes!
"Blew my f****** mind! Totally worth it!!"
- Mrigaank
"This is gold!"
- Cas F. Van Doorn
"Can't believe how simple yet devastating this is... WELL DONE!!!"
- David "Juno" Sams
Download the video and learn these incredible effects!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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