This routine, dubbed The Magic Ice-Lolly Machine by Tizzy the Clown, is something that he has been performing in every show since he was taught it by Mas-Kar, "The Great White Yogi." He appeared with Mas-Kar in the pantomime, "Sleeping Beauty," under his other stage name of Les-Le-Roy during the Christmas season of 1971.
The Magic Ice-Lolly Machine has been audience tested and honed to perfection during countless thousands of children's parties and family shows.
This routine uses nothing more than a glass, a bottle of soda pop and a magic wand. It is a fun-packed effect that both amazes and amuses. It also gives the audience numerous chances to shout out and join in on the fun at every stage.
In effect, a bottle of soda pop is poured into a clear glass and stirred with the magic wand (or wooden spoon). Then it magically becomes solid as the liquid turns into an ice-lolly.
The magic wand is stuck in the now "solid" liquid and cannot be removed! Suddenly the wand becomes stuck to your hand -- you can open your fingers and spread them wide, yet the wand and glass on the end of it still remains suspended in midair!
You then prove how "solid" the lolly is. You spin the wand around in the air, causing the glass to rotate fully 360 degrees several times, without any liquid being spilled -- the lolly is "solid."
Finally, the magic wand comes free from the lolly, and the liquid returns to normal. It can even be drunk, bringing the routine to a logical conclusion.
Tizzy the Clown has been using this routine since 1971, some 46 years to date. His son, Jonathan Royle, has been using it in his kids' shows since 1989 -- also with huge success.
This package comes complete with an instructional PDF. You'll get 65 full-color photographs and access to two videos. These include a live performance of the routine as well as "how to" advice - the latter enables you to easily and very cheaply make all the props required for this feature children's party or family show routine.
You will also discover what routine Jonathan Royle always uses before The Magic Ice-Lolly Machine as the perfect lead-in and logical reason for wanting to make a magical ice-lolly.
All of the items required to easily make the props for this routine can easily and cheaply be purchased from most dollar or pound stores.
This is, without a doubt, a real "workers" routine and a true bargain at only $20.00.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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