There is nothing more valuable in the card magician's arsenal than the ability to convince your audience you are shuffling the deck, when in actuality you aren't. If your spectator's believe the cards are being mixed, whilst all the time you retain control of their order - then you can perform true MIRACLES! Indeed, this one skill can help transform simple self working tricks into jaw dropping slabs of IMPOSSIBILITY!
There are thousands of ways to false shuffle and cut the deck, but this project is not a cold encyclopaedic list of them. These are the A1, 24 Karat GOLD techniques that host Liam Montier has sought out and road tested on your behalf. To make the grade the featured cut or shuffle had to be practical, utterly deceptive and something YOU WOULD USE!
These powerful, deceptive skills are within the technical reach of any card handler (including some that are SO easy you could do them in your sleep!), and will have you up and running in no time.
Learning just one or two of these techniques is essential, but learning more will enable you to 'mix and match' the skills to create the unquestionable impression that you really are shuffling the pack. These are practical techniques - whether you are working walk-around magic, or sitting at a coffee table with some mates, you will be fooling them all in no time!
And at the end of the project four incredible magic tricks are also taught, so you can head out and test your new skills straight away!
Overhand Shuffles
Basic Overhand False Shuffles
Blind Shuffle
Ireland Shuffle
Running Cut Shuffle
Optical Shuffles
Wiggle Woggle Shuffle
Optical Shuffle
Mike O'Dowd's Slop Shuffle
Stock Shuffles
The Lift Shuffle
The Jog Shuffle
Swing Cut Shuffle
Bottom Stock Shuffle
Riffle Shuffles
False Riffle Shuffles
The Push Through
The Triumph Shuffle
General Shuffles
Charlier False Shuffle
Up The Ladder
Swing Cut
Swivel Cut
Charlier Cut
Bobby Bernard Cut
Jay Ose Cut
Tarbell 3 Way Cut
Royal Road Cut
Erdnase Cut
Frank Thompson Cut
The Cut
Owen Packard's Crane Beak Cut
John Bannon's Flytrap Cut
John Bannon's Crocodile Cut
Gary Ouellet Cut
Lewis Jones Cut
David Acer's The Trinary
Mini Sybil
Paul Curry's THINK OF A CARD
Dai Vernon's TRIUMPH
Erdnases' WEIGH
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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