Inspired by Milbourne Christopher's "Hi-Sign" and other variations on the Crazy Compass or Magic Road Sign Routine, this package includes Jonathan Royle's hilarious, fast-paced, adults-only comedy script "Fore-Play" and also his Family Friendly "On the Way Here Tonight" routines for this rarely seen classic of magic.
Royle has also brought these routines right up to date by adding two different Comedy Road Sign endings for each of the two different routines. These unexpectedly appear where the arrows on each side of the sign once were.
During the "adults only" routine, the arrow on one side of the sign changes to a flopped-over, bent curved-over arrow, whilst the other changes to a no-entry road sign.
This is different from the family routine, whereby one arrow changes to the road works ahead or man putting up his umbrella sign, whilst the other side of the sign changes to the warning reindeer ahead sign.
These hugely visual, magical changes are perfectly complimented by the comedy scripts provided, and will draw huge applause and laughter from all of your audiences.
This is now the perfect and hugely flexible 5-to 8-minute, laughter-packed, opening routine to warm up your audiences for the rest of your show.
You are supplied with the custom designed artwork for both the adults and family-friendly versions of this trick in three sizes, 8cm by 8cm for close-up, 15cm by 15cm for parlour shows, and 25cm by 25cm which is ideal for even the biggest stages and venues.
The enclosed PDF instructions and detailed comedy scripts also include a link to a training video. Combining the video with the various included photographs should easily enable you to make your own "Fore-Play" or "On the Way Here Tonight" comedy road sign gimmicks for use with these routines.
These are both real professional "workers" routines, and an absolute steal at this price.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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