David Solomon is one of the most respected and revered card magicians in magic today. With a compelling approach to handlings and method, plus a razor sharp attention to detail, Solomon's routines are performed by amateurs and experts all over the world.
The Card Solutions Of David Solomon is a 3 volume extravaganza that explores the best and the brightest of his excellent repertoire. Featuring a mammoth twenty three effects this set will provide material that will excite everyone from beginners to advanced cardistry experts.
In addition to learning excellent routines you will also gain a valuable insight into the creative thinking and problem solving techniques that David Solomon employs to such devastating effect. With crystal clear instruction honed over many years of lecturing all over the globe, this is a definitive guide to great card magic.
"You'll enjoy not just the trick itself, but the thinking behind it."
- John Bannon
3 Volumes. 23 Effects. Nearly FOUR hours of incredible card magic. Get ready to learn the Card Solutions of Solomon!!
Part 1
Mathematically Speaking
- 21 Card Trick
- Casino Clock
- Jamesway Poker
Classic Plots
- A,2,3,4,Elevator Revised
- Finger Print Trick
- Simplex Oil and Water
- O'Hentry Jazz Aces
- Solmar Aces Revisited
Part 2
Just A Little Something Extra
- Blank Jazz Aces
- Blank Thought Revisited
- Jokers Are Wild
Subtle Card Effects
- Card In the Card Case
- Just Friends
- Marlo's Secret Kato
- Pure Vice Versa
- Whispering Queens
Part 3
For The Card Expert
- Clearly Up the Ladder
- Double Triumph
- Half A Dream
- Kissing Cousins Twice Removed
- S-V-S Shuffle
- Time Warp Wallet
- Solomon's Gypsy Curse
Live performances shot on location at Illusions Magic Bar, Bristol, UK and BodyBionic Gym, Newbury, UK "The Card Solutions of Solomon contains some of the most elegantly constructed card magic I've seen in quite some time. Not only is there tons of material for commercial use, but several magician foolers thrown in for good measure. No matter how much you know about card magic, prepare to be fooled!"
- Iain Moran "David Solomon's books contain some of the most direct effects and methods I know of. This download set successfully makes those tricks jump right off the page."
- Andi Gladwin "Massively fooling, well constructed clever card magic. Learn from a master."
- James Went "Dave Solomon's books are amongst my favourite and most read in my library and now these downloads bring his Mind and Wisdom alive. A collection to be truly enjoyed and treasured."
- Jamie Badman
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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