In this in-depth release, Will Stelfox leaves no stone, or opportunity unturned.
The Business of Street Magic 2 begins by improving on the original 5 phases previously outlined in the original "The Business of Street Magic." From getting the attention of passersby, to getting paid by them in 5 minutes or less, Will Stelfox goes into detail on how to be the most effective performer possible.
Following this, Will Stelfox teaches you an advanced version of McDonalds Aces that follows the theme of a poker game, while using audience participation to make the effect as personal as possible. Once you know the routine, you then learn Will's 18 unique ways to give your audiences the most mesmerizing experiences possible while enjoying your show from start to finish. These techniques can be applied by anyone with any style, and are guaranteed to become instant favorites of street and stage performers alike.
After covering some additional notes, Will Stelfox finishes by divulging the secrets of using the art of magic as a conversation starter to meet women. Any performer knows what it's like to have a beautiful woman loving your magic, but when the magic stops; so does her interest in you. How can we overcome this and learn how to be viewed as date-worthy in a matter of minutes? Whether you're busking, in a club or a bar, you will forever know exactly what to do when you see that beautiful girl who could potentially be your girlfriend or future wife.
Each piece of the product is designed to be worth the entire price of the download alone, so that you get maximum value for your money when you buy.
Welcome to The Business of Street Magic 2.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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