A mystifying coin routine!
The Boston Tea Party is a coin routine in which a copper English penny transposes with four silver half dollars. This will surely help any magician take his or her coin game to the next level. All moves are explained, including the handling of the coins!
This is coin magic that will mesmerize audiences and serve as a review of a variety of coin handling techniques. If you are a magician looking for an absolutely killer coin box routine that is filled with transpositions, changes, and magic, then this is for you! This is one of David Devlin's favorite showpieces and a staple in his close-up performances! The routine can be performed seated or standing. This is also perfect for table hopping and walk-around performers, as the reset time takes less than a second. Trust us. You want this in your working arsenal.
Effect: A copper English penny is shown and can be totally examined (it is real). Attention is now drawn to a small, round box. The lid is removed and four silver half dollars (also totally examinable because they are also real) are tipped out of the box, which is otherwise empty. The copper is now placed slowly and cleanly into the box, and the lid is placed on top. A silver coin is simply tossed into the performer's hand. A magical gesture is made, the performer opens his hand, and it is seen that the silver coin has changed into the copper coin! The lid is removed from the box and a silver coin falls out. This is repeated three more times, each time more magical than the last. The final transposition is nearly instant. The copper coin is held openly at the finger tips. With a wave of the hand, the copper coin instantly changes to silver. The hand is otherwise empty, and the coin is immediately (i.e. no switch) handed out for examination. The copper coin is found back in the coin box!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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