This is a true miracle. The description below is true to the last word. It reads like a miracle - because it is one.
With contributions from: Greg Arce, Neil Tobin and Richard Osterlind
The Prediction:
A prediction is sealed in an envelope and held by an audience member the entire presentation.
No switches.
The Game: On stage; a table, 5 chairs and a deck of cards. 5 players (spectators) come up to play a hand of blackjack. Cards are shuffled by a random player and re-cased to avoid any tampering by the performer as he explains about blackjack. No false shuffles. No Sleights. One player deals a face-down card to each player followed by a face-up card.
The Kicker:
All players are given the option to switch seats.
The Climax:
The performer tells about a vision he had that morning of a person playing blackjack and receiving the same hand, over and over again from the dealer. He then names out loud that exact envisioned blackjack hand; total and card names and states that he also wrote down a description of this person in a sealed envelope that an audience member now holds. For the first time, the players are instructed to look at their face-down card. One player has that exact hand. The audience member holding the envelope, now opens it and reads it aloud only to reveal a detailed description of the player with the exact hand the performer had envisioned, earlier that morning!
No Gimmicks.
No Sleight of Hand.
No Markings.
Bonus Effect: Back to the Future 2.
"This is great stuff. Josh shared this effect with me awhile ago and I told him to keep it to himself and those who know the method, because it's too good. I use this and it kills! Please guard this one."
- Nick Belleas, PEA Member
"Once again we have a simple idea that will pack a punch. This is a routine that will allow the performer to squeeze a lot of mystery out of it and yet is not at all difficult to do."
- Greg Arce
"This is great! Really a killer effect with a great visual impact."
- Tony Razzano, Past President, PEA
"Don't bypass the second feature, Back to the Future 2. It uses my favorite method: chutzpah."
- Gran'pa Chet
"This is a beautiful, straightforward blackjack presentation and perfect for those who like doing this type of routine. A deck is shuffled and dealt out just like that with just a tiny bit of very logical time disconnect business. Not only that but the deck can be handled completely by the participants...Without question, this ebook is recommended."
- Jheff, Marketplace of the Mind
"If you read an effect description of 'Blackjack Room' it is simply an impossible feat. You will say: "Can't be! Where is the deception in the description?" There is none. The effect is as it reads, seemingly impossible. It uses a devious method that was completely new to me. It is a masterful invention with many uses."
- Chris Wasshuber,
Pages: 15 - 8.5" x 11" - PDF FORMAT
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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