From the pages of MAGIC Magazine to your digital device, the Talk About Tricks (Vol 1-3) download is one of the most eclectic, unexpected collections of magic and magicians ever captured. With Joshua Jay as the host, enjoy 7 hours of routines, effects and the creative process directly from many of the creators themselves.
The concept is simple: Joshua Jay wrote the critically-acclaimed "Talk About Tricks" column every month in MAGIC Magazine...and this download (Talk About Tricks Vol 1-3) is the "Talk About Tricks" column come-to-life! Every month, Joshua Jay featured original effects from the world's greatest magicians. There are hundreds of fantastic tricks buried in those pages.
See how great these tricks and creators are, as you WATCH them perform, and HEAR their routines and ENJOY their creative process.
From close-up to parlor, from cards to Q-tips, from money to mentalism, from easy to difficult, Talk About Tricks (Vol 1-3) download boasts over SEVEN HOURS OF THE BEST MAGIC EVER published in the column "Talk About Tricks." Better still, many of these effects are performed live by their originators.
Tricks, moves and interviews from:
Joshua Jay
Ed Marlo
Gregory Wilson
Asi Wind
Rune Klan
John Lovick
Derek Delgaudio
Paul Cummings
Francis Menotti
Joel Givens
Bob Farmer
Damien Vapereau
and many more!!!
BONUS: Additional Joshua Jay effects and behind the scenes detail.
Talk About Tricks (Vol 1-3) download boasts over seven hours of close-up magic from the industry's leading thinkers of the time. Hosted by magic performer, author, and lecturer Joshua Jay, you don't want to miss out on the most comprehensive and inspiring download that is the perfect supplement to the "Talk About Tricks 2 Volume Book".
(Note: "Talk About Tricks 2 Volume Book" includes additional artists and effects not included in this download.)
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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