Bigblindmedia presents
Super Mega Card Miracles with Cameron Francis (BBM191)
A mega collection of closeup card magic miracles from actor/magician/international-man-of-mystery Cameron Francis. Super Mega Card Miracles is the definitive collection from this renowned Floridian pasteboard tamer.
It features Cameron's absolute favorite Top 10 (except there's 12) routines from nearly two decades of creating. These are the tricks he has honed, sharpened and refined and now calls his party pack. These are his audience slayers... his own personal rat pack... the crew he calls on to take down anyone/everyone.
Blockbuster routines, ingenious (and easy) handlings... this is distilled Cameron Francis. Commercial, engaging, FUN magic.
Card tricks you WILL PERFORM!!!
Redoner - A killer new take on "Color Stunner".
Collins Thing - The four Kings vanish under test conditions and then reappear in a dizzying array of awesomeness.
Switch Jack II - A one-two punch sandwich routine that'll leave your spectator's brains in traction.
Precursor/Thanks To Walton - Two brain-buster pieces of strange that packs a ton of magic into only a few cards.
Easy Hof - A turbo charged variation of the Hofzinser Ace Problem.
Mercury Card Load - Signed card to ungimmicked card box. We guarantee YOU WILL USE THIS!
But Not Least - This high-octane triple sandwich routine will leave your spectator's breathless.
Stand Up Christ Aces - The classic routine stripped down, rebuilt, and cranked up to 11.
One Flew Over at My Behest - A lean, mean, impromptu card across routine.
Collector's Item - The four Kings capture three selections in the fairest, slickest, most rock star way possible.
Captivated - Four Kings and four Aces twist, twirl, switch and then stick the landing with a shock-o-rama ending.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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