Renowned card worker John Carey has a stellar reputation for creating practical, powerful card magic. Tricks that play brilliantly, and shock audiences but are eminently DO-ABLE. Carey is known for employing clever thinking and choreography rather than complex moves and techniques, but on this project he has distilled it down even further and crafted 10 routines that require NO sleight of hand AT ALL!
Often entirely impromptu, these routines are simple in method but staggeringly impactful. You'll be able to perform all ten routines immediately and really concentrate on engaging with your spectators and creating magical moments.
The TEN sleight-free tricks include gems like:
Yes, You CAAN - a brilliant self-working 'Card At Any Number' routine that requires NO DECK! Everything you need will slip into your wallet, and you'll be prepped for a total mindblower anytime/anywhere!
Sync - a thought of card routine that seems utterly impossible - a card 'constructed' by your audience is divined with almost zero procedure. Super clean. Super awesome!
One Hand & One Card - a card is selected, disappears from the deck and then appears in your pocket. ALL WHILE YOU HAVE ONE HAND STUFFED IN YOUR POCKET! Super clean. Ridiculously easy.
Plus seven more stunning examples stuffed with cheeky ruse's and deceptive routining in place of difficult sleights to make you look like a mega-skilled card sharp.
Featured routines -
1. Opening Time
2. Think as I Think
3. One Hand & One Card
4. Yes You CAAN!
5. Scattered
6. A la Goldman
7. Dice CAAN
8. Sync
9. Make Believe (a coin effect!)
10. Redford Unplugged
"John Carey is quickly dethroning the greats and becoming king of Effortless card miracles!"
- Ryan Schlutz
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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