As popular as the concept is now, contemporary street magic can all be traced back to one time, one place and to one performer-Jeff Sheridan. A ubiquitous figure on the busy streets of Manhattan for decades, Sheridan's cool demeanor and red-hot magic stopped busy urbanites dead in their tracks and now, at last, Jeff Sheridan, the father of modern street magic, literally breaks his silence and shares his secrets with you.
Watch Trick (performance only) - The time on a watch, borrowed from a spectator, is changed merely by the force of the performer's will!
Swan Lake Rope - An amazing and amusing interlude as a length of rope goes through a myriad of miraculous changes. It's cut, restored, cut yet again, penetrated by a pair of shears, and lots more. A showstopper with the simplest of props.
Cigarette In The Coat - A classic of magic that still amazes an audience. A lit cigarette is placed into the folds of a borrowed jacket. At the end, not only is the jacket left unharmed but also the cigarette vanishes without a trace!
Card Manipulation - This is the real work. Watch as Jeff Sheridan vanishes and produces playing cards from thin air, all while surrounded by spectators. (The complete explanations for these amazing techniques can be found on Volume 2.)
Diminishing Card Routine (Al Baker) - A seldom seen but still stunning effect. The performer takes a fan of playing cards and squeezes them down to successively smaller sizes until they disappear altogether. Learn Jeff Sheridan's original handling for this classic of magic.
Vanishing And Reappearing Water - An almost impromptu miracle that will enable you to vanish a fistful of water and produce it from just about anywhere.
Knot Routine - A disobedient piece of rope refuses to hold a knot, despite the performer's best intentions. The performer finally succeeds in forming a knot with one hand before pulling it off the rope altogether!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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