This is Volume 9 of Peter Turner's Mentalism Masterclass and this volume is about star sign divination.
Peter Turner teaches you different methods to do the cleanest Star Sign Divination that you can imagine. The teaching is crystal clear no stones left unturned. In this eBook, you will find methods, routines and everything that you need to perform the strongest zodiac routines.
127-page PDF instant download
The content:
- Monkeying Around - Zodiac Anagram
- Additional Thoughts - Elliot Watson, Alan Nu, Robert Watkins
- The Bob Principle - Hearting Stars
- Additional Ideas - Mark Chandaue
- Liar, Liar
- Truth Teller
- Additional Idea - Colin McLeod
- A Simple Divination
- Truly Invisibly Visible (THIS IS THE HOLY GRAIL!!! You will love this one so much!)
- Truly Invisibly Visible 2
- Be Controversial - Think Backwards
- Eye to Eye Star-Sign Revelation
- The Frame
- Nod to Star Sign
- Mark Chandaue Additional Idea
- Derren's Repeat it in Your Mind Principle
- The Wash Principle
- Passing Star
- Mixing Principles
- Paul Voodini - A Happy Birthday
- A Little Poem - Stephen Young
- Zodiattack - Alain Nu
- Dominic Daly - Simple and Elegant
- Zodiac Wheel - Pablo Amira
- The Zodiac Divination - Andreas Sebring
- NLP Meta Programs
- NLP and MBTI
- The VCR Zodiac Sign Test - Dale A. Hildebrandt
- BIRTHDATED - Dale A. Hildebrandt
- Purloined Letters - Pat Schlagel
- Stolen Stars - Luca Volpe
- Seeing Signs - Fraser Parker with Additional Subtleties from Peter Turner
- TWO WAY Verbal Reductive OUT from Peter Turner
- Zodiac - Christian Chelman
- Zodiac Plus - Additional Idea Christian Chelman
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