Something Silly With Shoot: Every magician needs a few gags to liven up the moment. Shoot teaches for the first time his method of shooting a rubber band from the fingers onto the floor where the rubber band literally spins backwards to the magician's shoe. Learn how to take a beautiful silver spoon and bend it 90 degrees, only to restore it unharmed, much to the owner's delight. Then learn how to take your thumb completely off while it still moves in midair. Next, stretch your thumb inches away from your hand while watching it move with your other fingers. Finally, Shoot teaches us how to shrink a crayon while pushing it up the nose and pulling it out of the eye. Pure "eye" candy! Cap your silly journey off while watching Daffy Duck attempt to sway Porky Pig into letting him become a big named actor in Hollywood in a classic cartoon of magical comedy.
SHOOT OGAWA was born in Tokyo, Japan, where he discovered his love for magic at the age of 10. By the time he was 17, he had traveled to the United States and won the First Place award for Stage Magic at the St. Louis Magic Jubilee.
Since that time, Shoot has performed on television in all 7 continents; won the Magic Castle's 'Close-Up Magician of the Year' twice, making him the youngest person ever to win that title; named the most popular Japanese entertainer in America; awarded the Magic Castle's 'Parlour Magician of the Year' two times; and awarded the Magic Castle's 'Stage Magician of the Year' twice.
Shoot Ogawa performs all over the world every year and audiences delight in his flawless presentation of magic.
"Wow... Absolutely Stunning!"
- Johnny Depp, Actor
"Shoot's performance is extraordinary. Nowadays he is one of the best exponents of close-up magic in the world. His depurated technique and his sympathy make his show a high level international quality."
- Ray Francas, President of Flasoma
"Shoot Ogawa is one of the greatest stars of magic. Give him a piece of rope, a few coins or a deck of cards and he will absolutely kill you. His precision, smoothness and talent are really amazing. All I can say is WOW!"
- Boris Wild, Magician
"Shoot succeeded where many have failed: he awed and stunned 280 of the world's smartest senior technologists and marketers. Absolutely incredible!"
- Kim Silverman, Apple Inc.
"We all remember those special moments when something seems like real magic. When I first saw Shoot perform live, I experienced several of those moments. His work is simply beautiful. Shoot, thanks a lot!"
- Pit Hartling, Magician
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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