Shrapnel by Francis Girola
A powerful Q&A act that fits in your pocket!
Just ask your spectator for some change, and you've got yourself a miracle ready to go at a moment's notice!
Picture this:
Your participant thinks of an important question regarding their Past, Present or Future. They cast a few coins on the table, which you are then able to interpret instantly to provide an accurate psychic reading. To top it all up, you end the routine with a 100% surefire answer to the participant's question.
- Nothing written down
- No anagram or clumsy fishing
- Impromptu
- No anagram or clumsy fishing
- Self-working
- Any language
- Caters to all levels (beginners to experts)
Shrapnel is suited for all mentalists across the board. In other words, although the effect may be presented as a genuine psychic reading, you could easily disguise it as a personality test or just a simple act of mental magic.
Finally, I will give you a sneak peek into my personal
reading system that I call
Humanist Readings. If you are looking for just a couple of new Barnum Statements, this product is NOT for you! Instead, I will give you an introduction into my personal philosophy, which enables me to provide genuine readings
anywhere, anytime and which can be adapted for any
My aim is to set you off on your own journey of self-discovery so that you, in turn, may create your own system. I can't wait to see where you take my ideas and I hope to learn from you soon.
"Francis has really outdone himself on this one! Don't get fooled by the simple nature of the effect. It's all about how we can craft a miracle, improvise, and always land back on our feet if need be. Highly recommended!"
-Philip Turner
"This is so unlike the very efficient but... colder, I'd say, material that this brilliant thinker has got us used to so far. This is right up my alley, as it is appealing to intuition, rather than to logic. I don't know, but it seems that Francis has done something he has never done before, owing to his discreet, bordering secretive, nature: he has unveiled his inner world. Yes, beyond the very sound effect presented here (which is failsafe and will allow you to give a beautiful, impromptu and super-easy reading), it's Francis's vision and philosophy of not only mentalism, but of life itself, that is presented within these lines. His way of delivering a reading, the guidelines he gives, are gold. He's not giving you a set of lines, or any fixed system. He gives you an approach. One that will never fail to resonate with you, if readings are what you're digging."
-Phedon Bilek
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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