Magic with playing cards has always held a deep fascination for performers and audiences alike, most likely due to the almost infinite variety of effects that are possible with them. Everything from sleight of hand to topological tricks are all potentially a part of the magician's arsenal and somewhere in this broad spectrum are card effects that almost work by themselves.
On this DOWNLOAD, you'll see a number of powerful card tricks that rely not on knuckle-busting manipulation but rather, on mathematical principles, stacks, and subtleties, aided in some cases by very minimal, basic sleight of hand. Allan Ackerman starts things off by finding not only the spectator's chosen card but the four Aces as well. Johnny Thompson follows with an effect where the magician's card finds the spectator's selection while Daryl relies on sensitive fingertips to remove cards from his pocket that reveal the identity of an audience member's card. Harry Lorayne causes a playing card to mysteriously penetrate the card case while Michael Ammar demonstrates and teaches a way to magically straighten out an impossibly mixed-up deck. Allan Ackerman returns with a magical game that the performer always wins while Johnny Thompson offers his version of one of card magic's all-time classic tricks. Daryl reappears with a small packet mentalism gem while Larry Jennings performs and teaches one of his most-beloved effects.
While there's really no such thing as a self-working card trick - you still need to learn the procedures and rehearse an interesting presentation - it remains that a simple trick without the use of sleight of hand can be a deadly weapon when slipped into a card magic set. These kinds of effects can add texture to a magic performance and with the tricks you'll learn on this DOWNLOAD, even if sleight-of-hand really isn't your thing, you'll always be ready to amaze and amuse when someone slides a deck of cards over to you and says, "Show me something..."
The Four Aces - Allan Ackerman
My Card Finds Your Card - Johnny Thompson
Secret Mathematician - Daryl
Interdimension - Harry Lorayne
Slop Shuffle - Michael Ammar
The Magical Threes - Allan Ackerman
Easy You Do As I Do - Johnny Thompson
8 Card Brainwave - Daryl
Impossible - Larry Jennings
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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