"After 2 Years Of Work Bob Cassidy Reveals His Long Awaited Secrets To The Mysteries Of The Séance..."
It's taken a long time but Bob Cassidy, one of the most respected and influential mentalists of our time, is finally revealing his secrets to performing the séance.
Within the pages of "Séance" you'll discover:
- The 12-Step Outline For Conducting A Successful Séance
- The First Rule Of ALL Effective Seances
- How You Can Do A Séance Without Communicationg With The Dead!
- The Three Types Of Seances
- Revealed: An Overlooked Classic In Which Particpants Can Actually SEE Forgotten Memories As They Look Into A Glass Of Wine
- The EVP Séance - Bob's Powerful Routine For Making Eerie Voices Appear On A Recorded Made During The Séance!
- The Five Candles - A Novel Presentation Of The Classic Living & Dead Test
- Bob's Tips On The EMF Detector - An Excellent Resource Used As A "Ghost Busting" Tool For Paranormal Investigations
- How You Can Create Ghostly Orbs For Spirit Photography
- Table Tilting Tips & Techniques
...Plus More!
Added Bonus:Bob has provided an elegant PDF edition of a incredible lost classic 1907 text on seances and mediums, BEHIND THE SCENES WITH THE MEDIUMS, by David P. Abbott. This 173-page text covers the details of seances, reading sealed writings, spirit slates, billets, modern sorcery, mediumistic phenomena, materialization, vest turning, Anna Eva Faye-type performances, and much more.
Included in this special package:
- The Complete 2-Hour MP3 Recording Of Bob's Live Tele-event
- The "Séance" E-Book/Lecture Notes
- Event Post Lecture Notes
- Special Bonus: David P. Abbott's "Behind The Scenes With The Mediums" E-book
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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