This is a large format (A4) photo illustrated PDF eBook which includes links to a grand total of thirty four eye opening and highly educational training videos which have a total combined duration of over eight hours to help make your education complete.
"Seance Secrets, Ghost Hunting Tricks and Paranormal Investigation Techniques" is the title of this package and it not only teaches you exactly what the title states but also a whole bunch of other amazing things.
Topics discussed, taught and/or explained in depth within this manual include:
EVP = electronic voice projection, spirit photography, ectoplasm, ghostly manifestations, table lifting and moving, the Ouija board, automatic writing, the spirit glass, pendulums, psychic metal bending, ghost hunting, the dark seance, past life regressions, human levitation and much, much more.
There is also a truly comprehensive section teaching the power of suggestion and hypnotic techniques within the seance, ghost hunting and paranormal investigation arena.
Royle also reveals what ghost hunting tools and gadgets you may need and how to manipulate some of them for guaranteed "phenomena" to occur!
Several real world audience tested routines are also included which enable you to allow volunteers to safely experience themselves being briefly possessed by spirit energies in manners that are both highly visual and amazing to all those watching as well as to the person participating.
Royle has worked extensively in the paranormal and psychic entertainment arena over the past twenty years and within the pages of this manual are all of his, until now, most jealously guarded secrets of "ghostly" success.
He also discusses what he learned from working with and alongside Paul Voodini and how this ultimately, positively changed the way he ran his own future events.
A most comprehensive list of further informative books to read and useful resources for the paranormal and seance entertainer are also included at the end of this eye opening manual.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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