Get ready to see Jay Sankey like you've never seen him before-filmed live in front of a studio audience with three broadcast-quality cameras!
Volume One:
"I've been making my living with this material for over 15 years."
- Jay Sankey
It's all here! The wildy original plots, the ingenious handlings and the off-the-wall presentations. A grand total of thirteen die-hard Sankey classics. Professional, "real-world" stuff you can really count on under almost any performing conditions! Audience-tested effects with cards, coins, bills, rings, spoons, matchboxes and more.
Volume 2:
"Never before have these effects been explained in such detail."
- Jay Sankey
If it's eye-popping magic you want, you've come to the right place! Nobody creates sleight-of-hand magic for the eyes like Jay Sankey. This volume features a power-packed parade of thirteen startingly visual "magic moments." Not to mention more than a few big belly laughs. Watch Jay perform and teach astonishing routines with cards, coins, bills, envelopes, rubber bands, paperclips, pencils and even chopsticks! But we warn you: be prepared to laugh!
Volume 3:
"These are the routines that originally 'put me on the map' in the magic world."
-Jay Sankey
This is your chance to watch one of magic's most off-beat entertainers perform thirteen of his "bread and butter" routines for a live audience. And because the effects are presented in groups of two and three rather than individually, this is also a unique opportunity to learn from the overall flow of a live Sankey performance! Sit back, grab a pack of cards, order a pizza and get ready for the time of your life. Welcome to the delightfully magical world of Jay Sankey.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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