For the first time in this 15 min video (yep 15 min it's that easy) Scott reveals the business card peek he has been using in his close up mentalism performances for many years.
No manufacturing or craft skills required, no peek wallets, no business card cases, no envelopes, no special pens or any other paraphernalia, just your business cards and a pen.
One totally impromptu method, one requiring a one off 30 second set up and three variations to suit all styles.
Drop half a dozen of your own business cards in your pocket along with a pen and you are all set to perform drawing duplications, reveal words, names, PIN numbers, perform remote viewing or impress with your x-ray vision.
"I actually laughed out loud when I got to the good part in the video. Fantastic technique and that impromptu version cleans up very nicely... So... What's next?"
- David Dodds
"Scott, whenever you release something new just charge my card and send me the download link. Thanks!"
- John Cesta
"Great thinking! As usual. Another useful thing to know so can have in your arsenal when you need it and, of course, you can easily do a 3 phase routine like a Mental Epic with no force and knowing each thought before you even start, I can also see this being good for a close up Magic Square."
- Greg Arce
"S.P.I.T is another brilliant release by Scott Creasey. What you learn is how to do a full business card peek, with either zero preparation for version 1, or 10 seconds of preparation for version 2. A perfect utility tool that can be applied to so many different effects. No wallets, no business card cases, no envelopes, and no sleights! As with everything I've bought from Scott, S.P.I.T is well worth the money."
- Stunninger
"I find myself looking forward to Scott Creasey's releases EVERY TIME! I just wanted to add that I have never been let down by anything I've bought from Creasey, and I think in this day and age, that REALLY says something."
- Race Blakhart
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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