This is a 14 page, PDF eBook with access to several videos (combined duration of almost three and a half hours). You will learn six of Royle's favorite magic and mind-reading miracle effects from his six-part 2001 European television series, "Life in the Bus Lane."
You will also, of course, get to watch all six episodes of Royle's often surreal and bizarre comedy magic, mentalism, and hypnosis TV show, along with the original pilot show.
You will witness him perform six reputation-making effects on the streets and in the venues of Amsterdam, and then learn how they are achieved. These include:
Psychometric Color Mystery
An amazing demonstration of color psychology. Audience members freely choose three envelopes, and at the conclusion, a spectator inexplicably creates matched sets of their contents with colored cards. This looks wild! It can be performed close-up or with large cards and envelopes (as Royle does on his TV show) to make a feature stage effect.
Hoys Tossed Out Book Test
Five different books, all of different genres, are shown to the audience. Four audience members each freely choose a book. A page number is freely chosen without any forces and, ultimately, everyone ends up thinking of a word on that page in their own books.
To much applause, you manage to reveal the words that each person is merely thinking of!
Do You Do Voodoo? - Card Coincidence
Using both a red- and blue-backed deck of cards, this is a seemingly impossible coincidence effect. Both decks are shuffled by the volunteer and, yet, each of you apparently select exactly the same card from your own deck.
Do You Do Voodoo? - Card Prediction
A deck is shuffled. In the fairest and most seemingly random manner possible, a volunteer chooses a number and a suit to generate a random playing card. This turns out to be identical to a prediction card that you placed face down, under your foot on the floor, before they ever made their choices.
The Rising Match-Box
A matchbox (can be borrowed, as it is completely normal) is placed onto the back of your hand. By apparent psychokinetic mind power alone, it is seen to visually and slowly rise up from the back of your hand. It then stands up on its end before immediately being handed out for examination.
The 12 Card Mind Reading Experiment
A mind-boggling effect where you are able to mentally deduce how many cards a volunteer has placed into their pocket or hidden elsewhere whilst your back was turned, or even whilst you have left the room!
A total of six audience-tested "Miracle Class" effects for one low bargain price!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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