Perfect for both Close-Up, Cabaret, Stage and Television Performances, this is Jonathan Royle's Commercial and Audience Tested Variation on the Legendary David Berglas Effect "Any Card At Any Number"
And boy what a variation it is, with Three Unique Killer Endings that draw maximum applause from any audience that witness it performed.
The Video Demonstration above should leave you in no doubt as to how impressive this routine looks to an audience, now let me assure you that within the Seven Pages of this PDF and by way of the one video link it contains, you will learn every element of how to easily perform this routine.
Structured so that it is very easy to perform and yet amazingly effective and impressive to any audience this is the ACAAN Routine that you'll be adding to your shows above all others.
"Royle's ACAAN stage routine is a simple, but effective version of this normally difficult-to-execute routine"
Stephen Tucker Budget Magazine (IBM - British Ring)
"I use ACAAN and have 2 versions, yet Jonathan blew me away, indeed the ACAAN was possibly the best version of the effect I have ever seen "
Byron Rodriquez - Mentalist
"Royle has a unique, creative and entertaining take on ACAAN which is certainly worth a closer look and takes it to the next level. At times he had the audience on the edge of their seats and overall this show was top notch"
Peter Turner (The Devil In Disguise, Jinxed & Bigger Fish)
As a Bonus, you'll also discover how elements used within this routine, can easily be used in many other ways for many other amazing miracles.
Pages: 7 - 8.25" x 11.7" - PDF FORMAT
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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