On this video, you'll find seven different approaches to the Ring on Rope from six masters. Aldo Colombini begins and ends this volume with two distinctly different - and decidedly Aldo-esque - routines. The first combines a plastic ring, a length of rope and some great gags into a routine that will amaze and entertain just about any audience. The other is a two-ring routine with many visual surprises. Daryl and Eric DeCamps both offer a routine with a small harness ring and a cord that are both perfect for walk-around performers while Flip showcases a routine with a linking ring and a piece of rope that can bring this classic of magic to the biggest stage. Mark Leveridge performs and teaches a simple three-phase routine that integrates a presentation that is guaranteed to get your audiences involved in the magic while Frank Balzerak presents a routine that not only uses some of the classic Ring and Rope sequences but also incorporates elements of the classic Cut and Restored Rope.
Ring on Rope routines are quick, visual and extremely magical . . . and on this video, you'll see, and learn, in the routines presented just about every move ever invented. Learn them the way they're taught, or mix and match the moves to create your very own Ring on Rope extravaganza!
ALDO COLOMBINI Ringing Around Too DARYL Bracelet and Rope Routine
ERIC DECAMPS Ring and String Routine (Courtesy of Murphy's Magic Inc)
FLIP Ring on Rope Routine
MARK LEVERIDGE The Ring Competition
FRANK BALZERAK The Puzzle (Courtesy of Murphy's Magic Inc)
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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