14 MONSTER EFFECTS and 8 videos!
14 major effects with cards, coins, gambling themes, mentalism, silks, predictions...PLUS - 8 brain busters!
INTRODUCTION - discussing a philosophy of "tried and true" performance that just might change your mind...and it works!
WHAT IS QUANTUM REALITY? - You may not be interested in Quantum Physics...but this may open up your mind!
- QUANTUM OPTICAL TRIUMPH - A Triumph effect that will make their heads spin...AND it's very easy to do! Just watch the video.
- SHE HAS QUANTUM POWER - Give your spectator a power that she didn't realize she had - and so easy to do! (If you perform professionally, this effect WILL fatten your pockets!)
- QUANTUM NUMBERS - The spectator does all the work - but the outcome is STILL impossible!
- QUANTUM JUICE TO SILK - This is TOTAL eye-candy!
- QUANTUM GREATNESS - This has the "flavor" of a Dani DaOrtiz effect. The performer brags of his gambling skills - yet the spectator beats the performer... and BADLY - Hilarious!
- QUANTUM MARKED CARD - A great display of skill! But none needed! Has the "flavor" of RED-HOT MAMA!
- QUANTUM MENTALISM - This will drop jaws - guaranteed - so very easy to do with something you already own!
- QUANTUM QUICKIE, QUICKIE - Here is one of those fast moving effects that will have everyone laughing out loud!
- QUANTUM COINS ACROSS - Are you looking for a great coin routine that you can confidently perform every single...AND ends with a HUGE kicker! THIS IS IT!!
- QUANTUM CARD-(H)ISTRY - A beautiful routine that will get standing ovations...it is just that good!
- QUANTUM MATCH GAME - A FABULOUS effect by Robert Harbin (creator of he famous Zig-Zag Lady illusion)
- QUANTUM ULTIMATE PROHESY - Two brilliant concepts of magic, combined into one beautiful...one of Paul's favorites! This easy-to-do effect is impossible to figure out!
- QUANTUM OUT-TO-LUNCH PHENOMENA - A brilliant idea for a mentalism routine...and an idea for the use of FRIXION Pens!
- QUANTUM PRETZEL LOGIC - A mentalism routine that is absolutely BRILLIANT...and easy to do. You'll love this idea!
For fun...included are 8 real brain-busters that will "open your mind"! Answers included!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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