"We humans have a long history of using writing instruments to record and transfer our thoughts and impressions.
We magicians have a long history of gimmicking writing instruments to deceive thoughts and create magical impressions."
If each of the pens and effects in this book were sold separately at market value, the total price would exceed $900.
This book is a combination Do-It-Yourself and Magic Effects book, containing 9 major DIY projects and 7 full working routines, plus a host of other tricks.
Learn how to make 3 types of flash pens, a flameless, smoke loading pen, a PSI pen, multiple- purpose pens, novel uses of off-the-shelf pens and mentalist utility pens. No knowledge of electronics needed --- just the proper know-how. Each low cost project is followed with a corresponding chapter on how to use your gimmick pen in a true, tried, and tested magic effect.
This book is jammed packed with over 150 color photos, 13 detailed illustrations, numerous diagrams, 11 instructional video links and up- to-date listed sources for materials.
Why pay $150 dollars for a PSI pen when you can make your own for less than $8.00? Or make a durable flash pen for under $10, or a non-flame, smoke pen for $20? Most of the book's gimmicked pen projects can be made in 30 minutes or less with house-hold materials and at a fraction of the retail cost. If each of the pens and effects in this book were sold separately at market value, the total price would exceed $900!
Chapter 1: DIY: Sure-Lite Flash Pen
Chapter 2: DIY: Recessed Flash Pen
Chapter 3: DIY: EZ #3 Flash Pen
Chapter 4: DIY: Misty Smoke Pen
Chapter 5: Effect: Misty Burnt Card
Chapter 6: DIY: Multi-Utility Pen
Chapter 7: Effect: Sparkle, Jell-O, Snow, Wine & Space-Time
Chapter 8: DYI: Chameleon Pens
Chapter 9: Effect: Interference
Chapter 10: Science Fiction with Frixion
Chapter 11: Effect: Phoenix Angels
Chapter 12: Zig Pen
Chapter 13: Effect: Flushed Queen
Chapter 14: DYI: The Re-light-able Match
Chapter 15: RM Effects
Chapter 16: DIY: Magnetic Pen & Reed Switch
Chapter 17: DIY: PSI Capsule Marker
Chapter 18: Ash Pen
Chapter 19: Effect: Angel Dream Catcher
Chapter 20: Pen Patter
List of Mimesis Instructional Video Links
Pages: 155 - 6" x 9" - PDF Format - 150 color photos, 13 detailed illustrations, numerous diagrams, 11 instructional video links and up-to-date listed sources for materials (as of July 2012).
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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