Vol. 2
Isolated Force (from Close-Up & Personal) - A unique and convincing force of a card in which the back of the card is never seen.
Half & Half (from Star Quality) - A signed card changes color in an atypical fashion.
Perfectly Oiled (from Star Quality) - A very clear Oil & Water effect that builds to a no-moves climax.
Face It, You've Changed (from Constant Fooling) - A spectator selects a card, examines it and signs it. Its back changes color . . . in spite of the fact that the magician never touches the card.
An Incredible Journey (from Star Quality) - A signed card invisibly travels into a card box that has been placed inside the magician's jacket pocket.
Not Quite Dead / Haunted Pack (unpublished) - A demonstration of supernatural forces that uses a classic method in a novel way.
A Magic Lesson (from Constant Fooling) - A tongue-in-cheek explanation of Card to Pocket leads to an inexplicable magical climax involving a spectator's signature.
Holding On (from Star Quality & Constant Fooling) - A playing card is signed. The magician stands and reaches under the table with an empty hand. When he presses on the deck, the selection passes through the table.
Prophecy Pack (dealer item, details of construction explained) - This is the incredible hands-off prediction effect Regal used to fool all and sundry when he moved to the West Coast.
Penny for Your Thoughts (from Close-Up & Personal) - A glass of pennies is examined-the dates are different. The spectator selects a penny while the performer's back is turned, yet the performer tells him the date.
Fill in the Blank Transpo (from Constant Fooling) - One of Regal's current signature pieces-a clear and spotlessly clean transposition of two playing cards.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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