Adam Dadswell mixes simple sleight of hand with mentalism to create a unique blend of easy-to-do, hard-hitting mental magic.
Learn card tricks with a mental flavour that will leave your spectators stunned!
Great for mentalists and great for magicians looking to inject engaging mental presentations into their acts.
Missing Piece
A spectator finds the missing piece to a conceptual jigsaw puzzle before they even know there is a puzzle to solve. A fun, inquisitive presentation for a powerful, impromptu effect that's incredibly easy to perform.
Mental Trio
Three spectators choose any card from a pile of cards in their own hands. The piles are returned to you in any order. Despite your fair, hands-off presentation, you are able to reveal each spectator's selection with success. Next-to-no set up time required for this near-impromptu miracle (you'll be ready to go in under ten seconds with a borrowed deck).
Information Void
An impromptu exploration of psychology's Filling In phenomenon. A mystery card is removed face down from the deck and placed in your pocket for later. After being flashed the faces of the incomplete deck, the spectator curiously "fills in" the missing information and is able to name the card that's in your pocket. This mental presentation for a card-to-pocket routine will have your participant scratching their head, wondering if they really did misremember something or if you reprogrammed their mind.
Imagination Game
The spectator's imagination appears to affect reality in this simple-and-direct, mind-over-matter miracle. Not only will their selected card turn over in the deck, it will even change colour! Think the classic Brainwave effect with a regular deck of cards. Everything is left 100% examinable and resets instantly.
Connection Test
Arguably the world's strongest Do-As-I-Do routine with a single deck of cards. The spectator is handed half the deck and is asked to mirror each of your actions. Despite handling the cards themselves, the spectator is left with FIVE impossible, jaw-dropping synchronicities. This effect is so powerful, Adam closes his professional set with it.
You will also be granted access to two puzzling bonus effects and a valuable module dedicated to performance-enhancing utility moves. They include a simple-yet-effective card control followed by an IMMENSELY deceptive false shuffle where you'd SWEAR the cards were being thoroughly mixed!
Adam's secrets are only moments away, so crack open a fresh deck of cards and begin learning all of these perplexing reputation makers now.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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