Paul Harris presents the Daniel Garcia Project! Daniel Garcia absolutely fries the most discerning spectators, using the best of both classic effects and real-world technique updated with some new stuff that only Daniel could have created.
Volume 3:
Your journey through the Daniel Garcia Project concludes with a final dose of mind-shattering effects. Some completely impromptu, some taking maximum advantage of devious preparation. As always, Daniel brilliant combination of unexpected methods and advanced canceling create visual new versions of some classic astonishments.
Nacho Momma's Triumph: Features a surprise finish, now entirely in the hands. This will hook, reel in, and land all your magic buddies-add a little olive oil and they'll be completely fried. Needless to say, laymen have no chance.
Quarters: A relentlessly impossible coin through glass routine. Includes the damnedest visual penetration: you drop a coin in the glass-it really goes in the glass-and it falls right out the bottom. Uses any glass.
Windex: Draw a window on a signed card, then open the window to create a large opening in the card as well as in the spectator's brain. Leaves a permanently impossible souvenir.
C.A.A.N.: Any card freely named is found at any number from 1-52. Totally clean. All in the hands. Mucho Easy.
Joe Blow: Talk about packs small plays big... this impromptu wonder requires only a tiny scrap of paper and a spectator to witness a miracle. Over and over again, you wiggle your finger and cause a piece of paper to fall over. Every possible explanation is brilliantly cancelled. Warning: Some people will actually believe it's real (present company excluded).
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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