Matthew is a professional Close up Magician and on his debut video you will experience some of his LIVE work. There is NO audience setup and NO fake reactions, just the real work in a real world setting.
All the routines explained on this video have been audience tested over hundreds of performances. The handling of each effect has been honed to perfection and each one has been geared for maximum entertainment value and quick, visual impact!
SHRINKAGE is an instant, eye-popping transformation. A selected card visually shrinks in mid air right in front of your spectator's eyes!
CARD TO ANYWHERE is an ingenious method of vanishing a selected card to have it appear literally ANYWHERE! Card thru window, card in bottle, card to shoe let your imagination run wild!
CARD TO ANY NUMBER gets straight to the point. It is a very workable version of a classic that you will perform at EVERY opportunity!
WALK AROUND WALTZ is Matthew's handling for the classic Anniversary Waltz which has been carefully reworked for the walk around performer. It's extremely direct and more importantly all done in the hands!
EASY DECK VANISH does exactly what it says on the tin! It's the ideal trick to end on that is quick, easy and leaves them wanting more!
REPEAT CARD TO MOUTH is a multi-phased routine based on the popular classic. The harder they try to catch it the less chance they have; then you hit them with a knockout ending!
X MARKS THE SPOT is a fantastic presentational idea for a classic routine that you will always perform when they ask that inevitable question: "Can you tell me how you do it?"
Learn all of this and more on this incredible two-disc set! Also includes: MST, SOLE SELECTION, TWO PERSON THOUGHT OF CARD, CARDS TO POCKET, MINI ME, THE TIME MACHINE and much, much more including a bonus section featuring Matthew's routines & technique for stealing watches!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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