"Having known Paul for many years, I can attest to his amazing skills as a magician...but few know that he also worked as an underground gambler or "card mechanic" in a very 'seedy world' where you could lose your life for one wrong move."
"These routines are a testament to his skills as a magician/gambler in a very dangerous world. I don't recommend doing what Paul did, but I DO recommend these beautiful routines."
- Jeremy Smith
There are SIX VIDEOS provided to demonstrate and explain the some little-known sleights as well as FOUR very important false shuffles! Finally learn the "real work" for those false shuffles that are rarely taught - look professional!
This e-book is a wealth of information for the performing magician, providing spectators with some highly entertaining routines that will delight your spectators!
Paul presents some killer routines that he has played for his spectators...and used as a card mechanic for many years.
The added "Comedy Shuffles" will provide a comic relief for your sets and have your spectators laughing hard!
A Strong Opener for a Poker Demo - This two-stage routine is very easy to do...but will "light up" your spectators!
A Cool Poker-Based Scam - This routine will provide your spectator with everything he or she needs to beat the dealer, yet the dealer still wins with a royal flush...easy to do!
An Excellent POKER DEAL - This routine will become your very favorite! It is a "demo" of the Bottom Deal and the legendary Center Deal with a shocking finale!
Lelekis' 'Spectator Cuts the Aces'...TWICE! - This two-stage routine has a strong gambling theme with all patter provided for a truly entertaining showcase that gets huge applause... for your spectator! And that's what it's all about!
POKER MENTAL - This is an old, self-working routine that Paul has brought up to date in a big way! Your spectators will be absolutely stunned! It seems impossible!
10 CARD POKER DEAL - Here is a semi-automatic Poker deal demonstration that Paul has changed to make the spectator the winner! Paul has added some very clever strategies to provide a large variety of entertaining situations...
COMEDY SHUFFLES - Learn a variety of easy to do comedy shuffles that will have your spectators in stitches!
HAND SHAKE - 2 - This J.K. Hartman effect is a rendition of one of Paul's effects and appears in Jerry's latest book, Card Dodgery... and it is a GOOD ONE!
Download the eBook and videos, and learn!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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