Ask a volunteer to guess your PIN by naming any four-digit number and then prove beyond a doubt they got it right.
In this twenty minute video Scott shares the routine and handling he has been using for years in order to enable a volunteer to guess the PIN for his American Express Card, Visa Card, or any other card. If you prefer, you can of course have them guess the PIN for your phone.
A low-tech no nonsense, no electronics, non-magnetic and App free approach to a PIN number revelation, using business cards and a pen.
Set up in seconds, resets in seconds and great for table hopping.
"Scott keeps on putting out fantastic worker routines. P.I.N is a very clever idea that is easy to do and involves no dual reality, instant stooging or strange word play. You have the spectator try to guess your pin number, or any personal code, and you absolutely prove they are right. Once you create this set up you'll be able to carry this in your pocket and be ready to do an amazing effect."
- Greg Arce
"P.I.N is another devilishly clever routine by Scott Creasey. And a proven close-up worker. Scott, you are an evil genius. How you come up with so many very clever, very deceptive routines and methods, I don't know. Thank you for sharing your brilliant creations."
- Stunninger
"I have it. Very nice. For those wanting to use business cards and perform spec as mindreader this will fill the bill. Easy too!"
- John C
"BIIIIG plus one from me on this. Solid, natural handling. Deviously simple."
- David Dodds
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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