With Origin, I've compiled the vast majority of my signature work (including exclusive work unavailable anywhere else) in magic and mentalism, a multitude of effects and essays over 280 pages.
Full list of contents:
- 5020: Become a human lie detector!
- LOKI: Determine which poker chip resides in which of your Spectator's pockets with no peeking and no gimmicks.
- TURNOVER 23: Place down an odd backed prediction of a named card and be right every time!
- SYLLACODE: A two person coding concept.
- MORSE: A spectator as mind-reader effect.
- SYN: One coin bends visually as the other bends in a spectator's hand. They will admit to feeling it bend EVERY TIME.
- MIRROR: Is it possible to predict a spectator's shuffle? It is now.
- MACHINE: An incredible demonstration of automatic writing. One spectator thinks of a word and the other writes it without knowing how!
- THE NEW BLACK: A thought of word is written on a thought of ESP card, sat in an envelope in full view!
- TURNOVER BEND: A spoon bending technique.
- SIX:SIX: A unique forcing technique based on a very old magic effect.
- EX: Prove that you know what item would be named before it is.
- DICHOTOMY: FINALLY, an Out of This World that can be done effectively in the hands!
- SEVENS: A spectator pushes an envelope freely into the spectator shuffled deck. The card in the envelope matches the card they find in the deck!
- ASHES: Any named suit burns.
- IMPRINT: A simple marking system.
- BROKEN WINGS: A gimmicked pad with which you can force information, peek information, create automatic writing effects and much, MUCH more! (Just google for the reviews.)
- LEGION: An expandable concept with cards that needs to be set up only once and can create completely hands off forces, hallucination effects and more!
- CRONOS: A full locked box prediction system that also allows you to perform an incredible feat of psychokinesis!
- TECHNOKINESIS: Push a button on a Blackberry phone with your aura.
- THE TOUCH: A two person coding concept that will work everywhere and anywhere, under any conditions.
- SCAR: Visually HEAL a scar on your hand!
- EPOCH: Know the date and value on any coin handed to you from within your closed fists.
- CAST: An amazing booktest gimmick that fits in your wallet and is completely invisible in plain sight!
- BLINDED: A cueing technique.
- DREAMCATCHER: A full impromptu thought reading routine with a great premise!
- VANITY: The veins in the back of your hand visually twist themselves into thought of initials!
ESSAYS (Page 259)
Pages: 281 - 4.25" x 6.75" - PDF format
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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