Hello and welcome to Novo. This is the bill switch that Alan goes to when he wants to leave his spectators absolutely stunned. Novo lets you take one bill from the spectator and with a wave of your hand you will be able to double or change its value. We wanted you to see Novo exactly like the spectator sees it. No cuts, no fancy edits and no messing about. So check out the Novo demo which is a one take live shot. Enjoy.
When creating Novo, Alan set himself a few simple rules:
1: It had to be quick and easy to set up. Once you have the method down for Novo you will be able to set it up in under 5 seconds with paper money.
2: Novo had to be easy to do in a real performing environment. With Novo you have a 180 viewing angle. The only really bad angle is from the back as with most bill switches. It is as easy as waving your hand to do.
3: It had to be UNGIMMICKED. Yes that's right, Novo uses no gimmicks at all. You only ever use 2 ungimmicked bills during the routine. Nothing else.
4: It had to be visual. Novo is as visual as any bill change on the market. That's why the demo is a single unedited shot. Alan himself will tell you the performance was not perfect but that speaks volumes for how visual Novo really is.
5: Everything had to be inspectable. The bill at the start is borrowed and the bill at the end is inspectable. In fact if you really want to, you can let them keep it. Did we mention it only uses two bills? So everything is inspectable.
The Novo download is an MP4 video that is just under 30 minutes where Alan goes into every detail you will need to know to set up and perform Novo.
It will work with any currency BUT plastic bills will take a little more time to work correctly. Alan took a day to work on one of the new plastic Scottish bills and it works just fine. Also with American bills you will need to practice a little more to make the move look perfect.
However Alan did perform this hundreds of times at the magic castle using borrowed money so it does work just as well. Novo truly does work with all currencies however some will take a little less practice than others. Alan just wants to be open and honest with what you get.
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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