No Cards? No Problem!
As much as we all love card magic, it's always nice to have a varied repertoire of effects using myriad items right? Well fear not, John Carey has assembled a fantastic collection of non card material for you!
There's mentalism effects, effects with rings, rubber bands, coins, scraps of paper and so much more to enjoy here. Taught in exacting detail in his own inimitable style, you will love this collection!
These tricks are super easy to do, mostly completely impromptu, use everyday items you can borrow and pack a MEGA wallop! Arm yourselves with these everyday miracles and you'll NEVER be stuck for a trick again. When someone asks to see some magic, you'll be ready anytime, anywhere... and you won't even need a deck of cards!
1. Equivocally Yours. A streamlined coin prediction using a time honored concept in a very direct way.
2. I have your change! A beautiful pocket change prediction that seems so fair and is so easy to do too!
3. Chance, Fate and Destiny. John likes to think of this mystery as the trick that cannot be explained- but with coins! A great effect that's never the same, taught in great detail.
4. All Change! Another change prediction using a classical concept. Seems so fair and the payoff is super strong!
5. Rubber Band Bonanza! Five great rubber band effects routined into a great set. Including some fantastic effects taught with permission by the great Joe Reindfleisch!
6. Influential. Carey's super sneaky effect with a bank note/ bill is so nice. It's all in the words!
7. My Friends a Mentalist! A delightful close up mind reading effect where your friend takes over and zaps their minds. Fun!!!
8. One Thought and one Chance. A fantastic mental mystery using business cards. It just looks so fair!
9. The One that got away. A charming interlude effect combining a devious riddle and the complete vanish of a coin inside a spectator's hand.
10. PIN! A great and very easy to do PIN divination you will love using.
11. Three Phase Ring on Pencil. A classic effect where a ring melts on and off a pencil held by a spectator. Using ideas by Vernon and Leipzig, you will want to use this!
Download the video and learn now!
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Murphy's Magic Supplies, Inc.
11500 Gold Dredge Way
Rancho Cordova, Vereinigte Staaten, CA 95742
Verantwortliche Person:
Marcel Schrader, Its Magic
Harzblick 2
Langenstein, Deutschland, 38895
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